Special Not Active
{"id":77373,"0":77373,"ncs_account_id":879,"1":879,"service_category_id":173,"2":173,"make_id":0,"3":0,"pricing_type":"price","4":"price","title":"$99 Main Sewer Line Clearing","5":"$99 Main Sewer Line Clearing","content":"

Clogged drain? Water backing up? Well snake your main sewer line and get your drains flowing again!<\/p>

Up to 60 min of clearing time with a drain snake to get things flowing Limit 1 discounted main line clearing per household<\/p>","6":"

Clogged drain? Water backing up? Well snake your main sewer line and get your drains flowing again!<\/p>

Up to 60 min of clearing time with a drain snake to get things flowing Limit 1 discounted main line clearing per household<\/p>","image_url":"https:\/\/mpop-prod-hls-primary.s3.amazonaws.com\/bonfe-dealerteamwork\/img\/service\/1672346421-srv-20504.jpg","7":"https:\/\/mpop-prod-hls-primary.s3.amazonaws.com\/bonfe-dealerteamwork\/img\/service\/1672346421-srv-20504.jpg","youtube_video_id":"","8":"","disclaimer":"

Up to 60 min of clearing time with a drain snake to get things flowing. Additional rates apply past 60 minutes. Fee does not include water jet cleaning. Reasonable access to clean-out required. 100 feet maximum length for main sewer drains. Does not include cleaning or digs. Does not include branch lines. Does not include a copy of the camera inspection video; video may be purchased at an additional cost. One discounted clearing per household. Not valid with any other offer. Call for conditions and restrictions. Bonfe-recommended repairs and installations are backed by our Lifetime Warranty (no repair work charge as long as you live in the home and maintain the equipment, and no service call charge for the first 365 days after installation).<\/p>","9":"

Up to 60 min of clearing time with a drain snake to get things flowing. Additional rates apply past 60 minutes. Fee does not include water jet cleaning. Reasonable access to clean-out required. 100 feet maximum length for main sewer drains. Does not include cleaning or digs. Does not include branch lines. Does not include a copy of the camera inspection video; video may be purchased at an additional cost. One discounted clearing per household. Not valid with any other offer. Call for conditions and restrictions. Bonfe-recommended repairs and installations are backed by our Lifetime Warranty (no repair work charge as long as you live in the home and maintain the equipment, and no service call charge for the first 365 days after installation).<\/p>","price":0,"10":0,"savings":0,"11":0,"sale_price":99,"12":99,"start_date":"2024-05-02","13":"2024-05-02","end_date":"2024-07-31","14":"2024-07-31","ordering":0,"15":0,"active":0,"16":0,"featured_special":1,"17":1,"impressions":0,"18":0,"form_opens":0,"19":0,"prints":0,"20":0,"quality_score":100,"21":100,"created":"2023-03-20 16:47:01","22":"2023-03-20 16:47:01","created_user_id":0,"23":0,"modified":"2024-07-25 20:00:12","24":"2024-07-25 20:00:12","modified_user_id":0,"25":0,"customize_label":0,"26":0,"original_price_label":"Original Price","27":"Original Price","savings_label":"Savings","28":"Savings","sale_price_label":"Sale Price","29":"Sale Price","custom_label":"","30":"","finance_frequency":"\/mo","31":"\/mo","top_offer":1,"32":1,"fb_short_description":"","33":"","fb_long_description":"","34":"","fb_active":0,"35":0,"fb_title":"","36":"","fb_image_url":"","37":"","isSyndicated":false,"isArchived":false,"isOutOfSync":false}